Tuesday 15 April 2014

Workday Report - April 12, 2014 - Mill Creek, Cayuga

The Frog's Serenade

A few weeks ago, we had to postpone our first spring workday at this site because the site was too dangerous to access. Snowdrifts on the mile-long walk and 2” of ice on the steep access trail made it unsafe. Mother Nature held us at bay.

This past Saturday, we enjoyed a beautiful spring day. What a contrast! The frogs in the meadow let us know that all was well again. It is time for action. We did not disappoint!

The frogs cheered us on as we entered the osier thicket stream-side to cut and prepare the shoots while still dormant (recommended). They would be bundled into “Fascines” to be installed next weekend as erosion control devices; narrowing the flow and scouring sediment.

Our 7 ½ volunteers (Kalen McCormack is only 5 years old) were joined by land owner Erik Aldridge, who arrived cross country on his ATV, quickly went to work . They cut and bundled fascines to the accompaniment of our amorous frogs. It was a great day to be out and the work went quickly, with a dozen 6 ft bundles stashed and ready by noon. Cradles were dismantled and stowed for anchoring the bundles next week.

Our new team members upon seeing this huge spring source were amazed by the beauty and the potential for quick enhancement as a spawning site. It defies description, so you will see it soon on a short video clip on our website. They saw how the downstream flow had already formed a meandering path showing the clean gravel we placed last winter. To any nature lover it is an omen of things to come: Spawning trout.

With less than 3 hours, we were done and we all enjoyed the walk along the rail trail, happy we had taken another vital step for the trout.

In summary, we have followed the steps to reduce algae growth. Planting mature ”Swamp Oaks” to provide shade will be done later this spring. Next week we will take delivery of 30 unsold Xmas trees for deflectors through this section to scour the entire section and remove clay sediment. Is this stuff satisfying? You bet! It is much better than sleeping in on a Saturday morning and you can make a big difference.

Join us next time, if you can. We promise you safety, food & water and a feeling of deep satisfaction with good friends. Saturday mornings never felt so good.

Bill Christmas

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